
News & Media Appearances

For Your GRAMMY® Consideration
We are thrilled to announce that SCHUMANN-FANTASIES is part of the GRAMMY® ballot in two categories


International Reviews (excerpts):

American Record Guide "The sound is perfect ... one of the most beautiful-sounding recordings I've heard recently ... this is a fascinating account of Schumann piano works well-known and not, and worth adding to a collection of recordings " —Rob Haskins

Fanfare-Magazine "As with his other recordings, Schliessmann contributes an extensive, thought-provoking essay. Without hesitation I recommend this recording ... there are many, many moments all through these pieces that repay careful listenings. This will certainly be my reference recording for all of the works here. " —James Harrington

Audiophile Audition "Without invoking the names of poets Coleridge and Poe, nor the contemporary musician Berlioz, Schliessmann raises the deliberate ambiguities, harmonic and structural, in Schumann's oeuvre that invoke the darker hues of imaginative expression ...  Schliessmann's realizations of the Schumann scores, therefore, bear the agogic and polyphonic textures that invoke menace and uncertainty, even while an otherwise placid surface presents itself, as in the familiar Arabeske in C. The recording from Berlin's Teldex Studios, utilizing the Dolby Atmos process, has done Schliessmann's keyboard good service ... Highly recommended, both to read and to audition. " —Gary Lemco

Schumann-Portal "With Robert Schumann: Fantasies, Burkard Schliessmann has opened up new horizons for Schumann interpretation. His performances combine the intellect necessary to understand Schumann's music, the highest level of poetry and just the right instinct for timbres, agogics and tempo. " —Daniel Höhr

Fanfare-Magazine "Captured in superlative sound, his Steinway instrument is caught magnificently ... Underder Schliessmann's fingers, the music seems to strive for an unknown other, and yet the search emanates from a heart at peace. Burkard Schliessmann, in his finest offering yet, offers a homage to Schumann for the ages. " —Colin Clarke

Fanfare-Magazine "Burkard's pianism is, as always, a thing of beauty to behold, at once limpid and limned, while always equally as constant in attention to the demands and details of the score as to the emotions and expressive gestures the written notes imply. In my experience, Burkard Schliessmann's Schumann may be equaled by two or three pianists past—Richter, Horowitz, and especially Arrau—but he is not surpassed by any of them. " —Jerry Dubbins

Availability worlwide:


Pianist UK:
FANTASTICAL FEAST Performing Schumann's works is one of music's biggest artistic challenges' - Burkard Schliessmann chats to Pianist about his latest album of Schumann recordings.
By John Evans

Gramophone/International Piano:
Burkard Schliessmann: Robert Schumann's Poetics.
By Colin Clarke

AUDIOPHILE AUDITION: Burkard Schliessmann - Schumann Fantasies.
By Gary Lemco

L'arte pianistica di Burkard Schliessmann
image Di Andrea Bedetti

Il pianista tedesco è il protagonista di un doppio SACD pubblicato dall'etichetta inglese Divine Art e frutto di due concerti tenuti il 3 e il 5 aprile dello scorso anno alla Fazioli Concert Hall di Sacile, durante quali ha presentato brani di Bach, Mendelssohn, Schumann e Chopin, mettendo in mostra un timbro raffinato capace di amalgamarsi a una lettura precisa e appassionataiva. 

“Un doppio SACD dell'etichetta discografica inglese Divine Art pubblicato qualche mese fa permette di conoscere meglio un pianista tedesco, Burkard Schliessmann, tra i migliori e i più interessanti a livello internazionale degli ultimissimi decenni, visto che nel nostro Paese il suo nome gira ancora quasi esclusivamente tra i soli appassionati di musica pianistica. Questi due SACD sono stati registrati dal vivo tra il 3 e il 5 aprile del 2023, quando il pianista di Aschaffenburg ha tenuto due concerti alla Fazioli Concert Hall a Sacile, eseguendo pagine di Bach, Chopin, Mendelssohn e Schumann, quindi mettendo in campo un compendio interpretativo con un preciso filo conduttore, che si può riassumere nel concetto dell'affiorare, tramite il Kantor, e del progressivo concretizzarsi del linguaggio tonale e della sua suprema affermazione pianistica attraverso quella triade di geni romantici, come lo stesso interprete bavarese ha voluto evidenziare nelle note di accompagnamento nel libretto in tre lingue (manca ovviamente l'italiano) ospitato nell'elegante cofanetto.


SOMM Recordings is delighted to announce the exclusive signing of the German pianist Burkard Schliessmann.
image Schliessmann's first album for SOMM will include works by Beethoven, Weber, Franck, Scriabin and Chopin.

The recording will take place in May 2025 in the renowned teldex-studios in Berlin with recording producer Julian Schwenkner, with whom Schliessmann has a long term collaboration and friendship. SOMM will release the recording in the Autumn of 2025.

Siva Oke, Recording Producer and CEO of SOMM Recordings said:

“I am truly delighted that Burkard Schliessmann will be joining us at SOMM and we much look forward to welcoming him. His recordings for Divine Art have garnered wonderful reviews and his presence in the SOMM catalogue is sure to add extra sparkle to a very special collection of pianists ranging from past legends — Noel Mewton-Wood, Moura Lympany, Peter Katin and Valerie Tryon, to present-day stars such as Peter Donohoe, Leon McCawley, Mark Bebbington, Clélia Iruzun and Rebeca Omordia.

Burkard Schliessmann brings to his performances and recordings a combination of virtuosity, rich poetry and strong intellect which have singled him out as an exceptional interpreter of the classical and romantic repertoire. Bach, Beethoven and Brahms as well as Chopin and Mendelsshohn.

Our first meeting to discuss repertoire revealed an artist of passionate conviction, a colourful, kaleidoscopic personality and great charisma – a true breath of fresh air. Burkard Schliessmann, welcome on board!


'The Music Treasury' on Stanford University's KZSU-FM, will feature a program in tribute to pianist Burkard Schliessmann on Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 7 PM Pacific
image "The Music Treasury" to Spend an Evening with Burkard Schliessmann:
Sunday, July 14, 2024, 7:00-9:00 pm (PST) on KZSU-FM, Stanford University:; Locally: 90.1 FM

Presented by Dr. Gary Lemco
Produced by Dr. Lorrin Koran

BACH: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903 
SCHUMANN: Nachtstücke, Op. 23 
CHOPIN: Valse in C# Minor, Op. 64/2  
SCHUMANN: Arabeske in C Major, Op. 18 
MENDELSSOHN: Variations sérieuses, Op. 54 
SCHUMANN: Gesaenge der Frühe, Op. 133 
BACH: Italian Concerto in F Major, BWV 971 
SCHUMANN: Warum? from Fantasy-Pieces, Op. 12 
SCHUMANN: Fantasie in C Major, Op. 17  


PIANIST - June/July 2024 No. 2 - Germany | Austria | Swisse | Luxembourg | Liechtenstein | The Netherlands | Belgique - BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN: 'Robert SCHUMANN' - "Fantasies"
image PIANIST - issue 20241 No. 2 -  FANTASIE -

a 2-pages Review (p. 24-25) by Stephan Schwarz Peters

pdf download (Version for Germany, Austria, Swisse, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein)
pdf download (Version for The Netherlands, Belgique)


Pianist, UK / Great Britain
FANTASTICAL FEAST - Truly, Madly, Schumann
Burkard Schliessmann talks to Pianist about his latest album - Schumann FANTASIES
By John Evans
image May 17, 2024 - As Burkard Schliessmann's latest 3-SACD album hits the shelves, the German pianist talks to John Evans about the wonders of interpreting and recording Schumann's solo piano music

FANTASTICAL FEAST - Burkard Schliessmann talks to Jahn Evans in 'Pianist', UK / Great Britain (Pianist 138, June-July 2024 | Publisher: Warners Group Publications plc)

pdf download

image April 15, 2024 - Encore Encore!! - Pianist Burkard Schliessmann releases fabulous new recording | February 12th | by Chris Wolf

Schliessmann has performed as a recitalist and chamber musician all over the world. He has been invited to play with orchestras such as the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, The WDR Radio Symphony Orchestra Cologne, and the New Westphalia Philharmonic. His recordings have been hailed by The American record Guide, the Global Music Awards and BBC Scotland. In particular his 2007 recording of Bach's Goldberg Variations received critical acclaim, earning the recording the distinction of being the Record of the Year for MusicWeb International.

Live & Encores consists of two CDs. The first CD centres around the music of Bach, and the second CD features the music of Schumann and Chopin.

What was recorded in those three takes back in April 2023 is really, really singular. Both CDs that make up Live and Encores are well worth a listen. Schliessmann's, playing the sound of the piano and the music all come together; making something that is a treat to listen to.

Truly remarkable!

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GRAMOPHONE - International Piano, UK / Great Britain
Burkard Schliessmann: Robert Schumann's Poetics 
image March 13, 2024 - Colin Clarke lauds a new three-disc set embodying mystical fusions and ecstasies from the pianist Burkard Schliessmann image

Burkard Schiessmann: Robert Schumann's Poetics

Released by Mark Allen Group, Great Britain/UK

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - Robert SCHUMANN: "Fantasies",  - Divine Art, ddc 25753 (distr.: NAXOS Intl.)
image March 15, 2024 - Divine Art proudly introduces Burkard Schliessmann's distinctive interpretation of Robert Schumann's inner world through the groundbreaking recording project, "Fantasies". At Berlin's Teldex Studios, Schliessmann, having immersed himself in Schumann's oeuvre, sought to reveal the inner qualities of the music, pushing expressive and explosive boundaries. Collaborating with producer Julian Schwenkner and engineer Jupp Wegner, he employed 14 microphones for a Dolby Atmos experience, capturing the intricacies of Schumann's compositions on 3 SACDs, including an alternative interpretation of Fantasiestücke Op. 12.

Revisiting the Fantasie in C Op. 17, Schliessmann accentuates structural complexities, drawing parallels to Wagner's Tristan, and presents rhythmic and technical extremes in the second movement. The Fantasies' recording unfolds a slower tempo in the third movement, providing a genuine listening experience with heightened poetry and explosive electricity. As Burkard Schliessmann navigates Schumann's intricate musical world in "Fantasies", this release stands as a landmark in classical piano recordings, complementing his previous album, "Live & Encores". A must-have for true collectors of excellent piano recordings, "Fantasies" continues Schliessmann's legacy of delivering extraordinary interpretations that resonate with the discerning classical music enthusiast.

Burkard Schliessmann is a unique interpreter, never afraid to find a new expression and always searching for the heart of the music and the composer's inspiration, whether in the Romantic world or that of J.S.Bach. Among other awards, Schliessmann won three silver medals at the Global Music Awards 2017 for his Divine Art Chopin album, and has been awarded the Goethe-Plakette by the city of Frankfurt.

Mastered also in 5.0 Dolby Atmos audio, this brilliant recording is now offered as a hybrid 5-channel SACD/CD and in finest digital audio quality.

To obtain the 5-channel digital album visit a Dolby Atmos supplier (Apple/Amazon/TIDAL).




Burkard Schliessmann: Unveiling the Inner World of Schumann

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - "LIVE & ENCORES": Lorcan's Pick of the Week | RTÉ lyric fm  
image February 12, 2024 - Lorcan's Pick of the Week | February 12th

All this week on Classic Drive, Lorcan will feature music from Burkard Schliessmann: LIVE & ENCORES

As well as exceptional performances, this recording offers phenomenal sound. The recording was made on 3-5 April 2023 at the Fazioli Concert Hall in Sacile, Italy in 5- channel Dolby Atmos high-definition audio and is available as hybrid multichannel SACD as well as a range of digital formats.

German pianist Burkard Schliessmann has been receiving glowing accolades everywhere for his concert performances and recordings, for his virtuosity and also for his individual and highly-considered interpretation of the great music from the late Baroque and Romantic eras particularly.

Following five previous albums all of which have been exceptionally well received, 'Live and Encores' offers the opportunity to present different interpretations in single take recordings of a wide range of repertoire. The double Album displays a variety of stylistic elements from Bach to Mendelssohn (whose early Romantic work was highly influenced by Bach) through the High Romanticism of Schumann to Chopin, whose single waltz here represents the pinnacle of Romantic pianism.

Tune in at 5:20 everyday this week to hear a selection from this album on Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive.


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Spotlight on Burkard Schliessmann: Bach, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin, Berg ... 
image January  16, 2024 - International Piano has recently published some fantastic spotlights of Divine Art recording artist Burkard Schliessmann. In combination with coming interviews and rave reviews in Fanfare magazine, we felt we needed to put all of these in one easy-to-read location:



GRAMOPHONE - International Piano, UK / Great Britain
Recording live and in the studio: Bach, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin ... 
image November 17, 2023 - Burkard Schliessmann introduces his new album, 'LIVE & ENCORES' - with music by Bach, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Schumann image- and looks ahead to an all-Schumann album that will follow next year.

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - Recording live and in the studio

Released by Mark Allen Group, Great Britain/UK

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - "LIVE & ENCORES",  - Divine Art, ddc 25755 (distr.: NAXOS Intl.)
image November 17, 2023 - FANFARE Magazine writes: From the grand, rolled chords of the "Sinfonia" of Bach's Second Partita, several things become clear: this is an interpretation of conviction and clarity, caught in ideal sound and performed on a phenomenally well-prepared piano. The piano in question is a FAZIOLI F278, and heard on home turf; it is unsurprisingly in peak condition.

Five stars: Schliessmann's questing mind and solid technique present us with interpretations that convince at every level.

Burkard Schliessmann is a unique interpreter, never afraid to find a new expression and always searching for the heart of the music and the composer's inspiration, whether in the Romantic world or that of J.S.Bach. Among other awards, Schliessmann won three silver medals at the Global Music Awards 2017 for his Divine Art Chopin album, and has been awarded the Goethe-Plakette by the city of Frankfurt.

Mastered also in 5.0 Dolby Atmos audio, this brilliant recording is now offered as a hybrid 5-channel SACD/CD and in finest digital audio quality.

To obtain the 5-channel digital album visit a Dolby Atmos supplier (Apple/Amazon/TIDAL).




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Burkard Schliessmann and his Bach Goldberg Variations, BWV 988, nominated for THREE 2023 OPUS KLASSIK Awards
image June 2023 - Three nominations:

Instrumentalist of the Year (Category 3)

Solo Instrumental Recording (Category 10)

Innovative Listening Experience (Category 22)

Goldberg Variations, Divine Art, ddc 25754 (2 SACD/digital & Dolby Atmos)


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Burkard Schliessmann and His Affective Affinities  
By Gary Lemco
image November / December 2022, Volume 46, No. 2 - Burkard Schliessmann introduces his newly remastered recording of Bach's monumental Goldberg Variations

"The sonic image of the "new" incarnation of the Goldbergs has a startling immediacy, a piercing clarity of detail ... The potent Adagio at Variation 25, for instance, has gained a metaphysical authority."  –Gary Lemco, FANFARE

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN and His Affective Affinities 

International Piano, UK / Great Britain
Time, space and magic: Burkard Schliessmann plays Bach's Goldberg Variations 
By Owen Mortimer
image September 6, 2022 - German pianist Burkard Schliessmann introduces his newly remastered recording of Bach's monumental Goldberg Variations

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - Conversations with Owen Mortimer, Editor-in-Chief of 'International Piano'; UK

Released by Rhinegold Publishing, Great Britain/UKimage

BBC Radio Scotland, UK / Great Britain
BACH "Goldberg-Variations", BWV 988
Album of the Week
image July 17 - 24, 2022 - BBC Radio Scotland, UK / Great Britain:  Jamie MacDougall presented the Goldberg Variations of Burkard Schliessmann (Divine Art, ddc 25754, distr.: NAXOS Intl.) as Album of the Week in 'Classics Unwrapped'.

Newly remastered also in 5.0 Dolby Atmos audio, this brilliant recording is now offered as a hybrid 5-channel SACD/CD and in finest digital audio quality.

To obtain the 5-channel digital album visit a Dolby Atmos supplier (Apple/Amazon/TIDAL).

Pianist, UK / Great Britain
Burkard Schliessmann talks to Pianist about his latest album - Bach's Goldberg Variations
By Erica Worth
image July 13, 2022 - Erica Worth sits down with the German classical pianist to discuss Bach, his love of Gould, and why Steinway is his preferred choice of piano ...

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - Conversations with Erica Worth of Pianist about his latest album - Bach's Goldberg Variations

BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN - BACH "Goldberg-Variations", BWV 988 - Divine Art, ddc 25754 (distr.: NAXOS Intl.)
image July 8, 2022 - Burkard Schliessmann is a unique interpreter, never afraid to find a new expression and always searching for the heart of the music and the composer's inspiration, whether in the Romantic world or that of J.S.Bach. Among other awards, Schliessmann won three silver medals at the Global Music Awards 2017 for his Divine Art Chopin album, and has been awarded the Goethe-Plakette by the city of Frankfurt.

This recording of the Goldberg Variations was originally released in 2007 (Bayer - SACD only, not digital) and was highly acclaimed: "ambitious and really spectacular" (AllMusic); "thoughtfully simple, always finely worked out" (FonoForum).

Critics' Choice 2008 (American Record Guide)
Recording of the Year 2008 (MusicWeb International)

Newly remastered also in 5.0 Dolby Atmos audio, this brilliant recording is now offered as a hybrid 5-channel SACD/CD and in finest digital audio quality.

To obtain the 5-channel digital album visit a Dolby Atmos supplier (Apple/Amazon/TIDAL).



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OPUS KLASSIK 2022, Germany: Two nominations for At the Heart of the Piano
image June 2022 - Two nominations:

Instrumentalist des Jahres

Solistische Einspielung Instrument

At the Heart of the Piano, Divine Art, dda 21373 (3CD/triple digital)


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BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN in hr2 kultur - Interview and conversation with Karmen Mikovic, Francfort, Germany, April 28, 05:10 pm, 2022 I "Ästhetik, Interpretation, Philosophie, Literatur und Wahrheit in der Kunst: Literatur als Inspirationsquelle im Schaffen großer Komponisten"
imagePresented by Karmen Mikovic
Produced by hr2 kultur - Literatur: Niklas Vogel


Literatur als Inspirationsquelle im Schaffen Robert Schumanns - Gespräch mit dem Pianisten Burkard Schliessmann
Die Romantik war eine Bewegung, die viele Kunstgattungen vereinte - vor allem Dichtung und Musik kamen hier eng zusammen. Zahlreiche Lieder und Klavierstücke Robert Schumanns sind inspiriert von Gedichten Hölderlins, Heines, Schlegels oder Eichendorffs; sie wurden zum Inbegriff eines Romantischen Wertegefühls und Denkens. Der Pianist Burkard Schliessmann, berühmt für seine Interpretationen romantischer Werke, geht heute Abend in einem Vortrag in Bad Homburg dieser engen Verbindung nach. Um 17:10 Uhr ist er zu Gast in hr2-kultur und spricht unter anderem darüber, wie sehr diese literarischen Einflüsse die Musikgeschichte prägten.  


BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN at STANFORD UNIVERSITY, California, USA, February 6, 2022 I 'The Music Treasury' celebrates Burkard Schliessmann
image "The Music Treasury" airs on Sunday, February 6, 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm (PST) on KZSU-FM, Stanford University:; Locally: 90.1 FM  

Presented by Dr. Gary Lemco
Produced by Dr. Lorrin Koran

BACH: Fantasia, Adagio, and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 906 
CHOPIN: Barcarolle in F-sharp Major, Op. 60 
CHOPIN: Prelude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 45 
CHOPIN: Preludes, Op. 28: Nos. 17-20 
SCRIABIN: Piano Sonata No. 3 in F-sharp Minor, Op. 23 
BACH: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903 
CHOPIN: Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 52 
SCRIABIN: Preludes, Op. 74: Nos 4-5 
SCHUMANN: Fantasie in C Major, Op. 17  

PIANIST - November 2021 No. 4 - The Netherlands | Belgium - BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN: 'Cover Artist' - "Extase en Intellect"
image PIANIST - issue 2021 No. 4 - Burkard Schliessmann now also is 'Cover-Artist' in the Edition for 'The Netherlands' and 'Belgium'. Schliessmannis not only an exceptional pianist he is also is a professional scuba diver and serves as an ambassador for the "Protecting of Our Ocean Planet" program of the AWARE Foundation. The world under water has a profound influence on his interpretations and his general ideas on music making as a way of transcending the materiality into absolute aesthetics. Now he presents 3 CD's with memorable recordings from his early years.

In a 4-pages interview - "Extase en Intellect" - with Eric Schoones, Editor-in-Chief of PIANIST,  Schliessmann talks about his interpretations.

International Piano - September 30, 2021 - BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN: "Multifaceted musician"
image International Piano - September 30, 2021 - AT THE HEART OF THE PIANO - Core repertoire from Bach to Berg;

PLUMBING THE DEPHTS - Combining the life of a pianist and diver;

KEYBOARD ARABESQUES - Delving into Schumann's literary inspiration.

Burkard Schliessmann - a portrait from Owen Mortimer, Hugo Shirley and Colin Clarke. 

In an exclusive 8-pages digimag, presented from International Piano, UK.

The digimag can be downloaded here...


PIANIST - October 2021 No. 3 - Germany | Austria | Swisse | Luxembourg - BURKARD SCHLIESSMANN: 'Cover Artist' - "Ecstasy and Intellect"
image PIANIST - issue 2021 No. 3 - Burkard Schliessmann is not only an exceptional pianist he is also is a professional scuba diver and serves as an ambassador for the "Protecting of Our Ocean Planet" program of the AWARE Foundation. The world under water has a profound influence on his interpretations and his general ideas on music making as a way of transcending the materiality into absolute aesthetics. Now he presents 3 CD's with memorable recordings from his early years.

In a 4-pages interview - "Ecstasy and Intellect" - with Eric Schoones, Editor-in-Chief of PIANIST,  Schliessmann talks about his interpretations.

The interview can be downloaded here...


At the Heart of the Piano - Divine Art, dda 21373; presentation in Francfort/Main, Germany
image October 18, 2021 - Virtuoso German pianist Burkard Schliessmann will increase his representation in the Divine Art catalogue with a new triple CD/digital album entitled 'At the Heart of the Piano'. The album consists partly of items from CDs previously issued by Bayer (nla) and new tracks not previously released. This issue follows Schliessmann's two critically-acclaimed and award-winning SACD albums of music by Bach and Chopin, and precedes his new recording of works by Schumann, delayed from 2020 due to the Covid lockdown.

A special 3-CD / triple digital album of great Romantic works by one of the world's most accomplished pianists specialising in works of that era. These stunning performances of Busoni's Chaconne (after J S Bach) and Berg's Sonata are receiving their first release; the other tracks were previously issued (on CD only, not digitally ) by Bayer and have been newly remastered. Schliessmann is a unique interpreter, never afraid to find a new expression and always searching for the heart of the music and the composer's inspiration. On their initial release these recordings attracted great accolades: American Record Guide said : "The best pianist I know at entering the world and expressing the awareness of the German romantics. There is something personal and unique about Schliessmann's Schumann. It does not sound like anyone else's. He is better than any other pianist I have heard." High Performance Review said of his Scriabin: "This is the most imaginative playing one has heard yet - on the level of Richter, Michelangeli, Wild, Gould - the highest order of artistry."

Burkard Schliessmann presents this 3 CD-Edition at an event in a prominent and exclusive place, the 'Villa Bonn' in Siesmayerstrasse in Francfort/Main.

Burkard Schliessmann will perform works from Bach, Schumann and Chopin and will be in discussion with Eric Schoones, Editor-in-Chief from PIANIST. The interview will be released in edition September/October from PIANIST and Burkard Schliessmann will be presented as 'Cover-Artist'.

The event is exclusively sponsored by Source For Alpha AG


At the Heart of the Piano - Divine Art, dda 21373 (distr.: NAXOS Intl.)
image September, 10, 2021 - Virtuoso German pianist Burkard Schliessmann will increase his representation in the Divine Art catalogue with a new triple CD/digital album entitled 'At the Heart of the Piano'. The album consists partly of items from CDs previously issued by Bayer (nla) and new tracks not previously released. This issue follows Schliessmann's two critically-acclaimed and award-winning SACD albums of music by Bach and Chopin, and precedes his new recording of works by Schumann, delayed from 2020 due to the Covid lockdown.

Burkard Schliessmann perfectly embodies musical Romanticism in his exceptionally expressive approach, never 'smoothing out' textures and rhythms in what can be very troubled and dramatic music, but instead searching for that music's soul - it's heart. Also a fine organist, professional scuba diver and owner of show-winning pedigree Maine Coon cats, he attracts awards at every turn including the Goethe-Plakette of the city of Frankfurt-am-Main; Classical Finalist 2019 International Acoustic Music Awards; 2 Gold Medals in the 2018 Global Music Awards; 3 Silver Medals in both the 2017 and 2018 Global Music Awards. Schliessmann is a Steinway Artist, recording and performing on his own Model D concert grand.

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